Our Work

What We Do

At On Eagle’s Wings we provide Christian education, pastoral care, worship and Bible study opportunities for individuals and groups living in some of the most remote communities in Northern Canada.

Bible Camps

Youth & Young Adults

Pastoral Care

Bible Camps

We receive frequent requests from First Nations and Inuit communities to facilitate Bible Camps for their children.  Their desire is that their young people develop in spiritual maturity.

To that end we send teams of willing volunteers to run Bible Camps (also known as VBS or Vacation Bible School).  Most Bible Camps run in the summer, although occasionally we run them at other times of the year.  Click the image on the left to learn more about On Eagle’s Wings Bible Camps.

Northern community elders with children


Our passion is to support and encourage Indigenous, First Nation and Inuit communities in their faith journey. 
Spiritual transformation and healing are available to everyone.  

We identify, train, encourage and mentor northern Christians for leadership and ministry within their own cultural and denominational traditions.

We Travel North

Northern Canada is a vast landscape, stretching from the Pacific, across the Arctic, to the Atlantic Ocean.
There are few roads. Many of the communities we visit are ‘fly in’ only, although some are accessible by Winter ‘ice roads’.

Click the image to the left to learn more about where we travel.

Photo of a First Nations church

Interdenominational Ministry

As an ecumenical ministry, we partner with churches across multiple denominations.

Whether supporting churches in the North, or working with congregations from the South, we remain faithful to our denominational backgrounds while being sensitive to the diverse culture and traditions of our northern brothers & sisters.

Youth & Young Adults

Youth Curriculum

In recent years we have received requests to produce a curriculum for Inuit and First Nation youth & young adults.
This resource is presented as an Indigenous pathway to a strong faith.  Topics include :
  • Prayer
  • The Power & Presence of Jesus
  • Cultures & Worldview

Pastoral Care

Part of a mission is to provide a ministry of presence.  In other words, we are committed to “being there” for the communities we support.

This means taking the time to journey with our northern friends.

We listen to each other’s stories.  We eat together, laugh together, and cry together. 

Living in isolated communities is difficult.  We have been told our presence brings great comfort, puncturing the loneliness and sense of being forgotten.

At On Eagle’s Wings we walk in solidarity with our brothers and sisters, sharing the joys and sorrows of this life.

Music at a First Nations camp in Northern Canada
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